Are you looking for a ready to wear wig or a custom topper ?

Katie is you go to Ready to Wear Wig & Hair Enhancer Queen!

She’s a wearer herself and understands what it takes to make a beautiful wig.

She’s been in the hair and and wigs industry for more then 20 years.

Her understanding and caring nature make her your perfect choice when undergoing chemotherapy in the Hertfordshire area.

The collection that she offers is varst including all the big labels like Trendco and Ellen Wille, she is fantastic at information in regards to chemo care.

Look no further for your ready to wear natural wig.

Her toppers are so unditectable Many dont even no they have them on. Her skills in cutting and colouring to make it “Yours” is Incredible.

NHS Prescriptions

We are proud to be an NHS contracted wig supplier within the UK. At present, due to Covid 19 you can visit Bow Belles wig salon from any NHS hospital or trust and redeem your wig prescription.

NHS prescriptions are only redeemable in person and cannot be used as payment against internet or mail orders. Please contact your local NHS provider who will be able to give you definitive information on this subject, including the cost and redeemable value of your prescription. Please do not hesitate to contact us if we can provide any further information on NHS prescriptions.

Private Clients

We work with all private hospitals and you are able to purchase from us via the internet or if you prefer a private consultation please contact us. Please note that many private clients are able to get a sum of money towards their wig. It would be beneficial if you contact your provider before contacting us.

Alopecia UK

We proudly support this vital charity, and we are pleased to be able to offer any AUK card holder a 10% discount, please complete and submit the below form to receive your AUK discount code, which can be applied to your order at the checkout. Only redeemable against wigs and hairpieces, you must have a discount code prior to placing your order, we cannot apply a discount in retrospect. Terms and conditions apply*.

Contact us.


Privet fittings are all 1 to 1 please call or email for an appointment.

Watford - Hertfordshire - Rickmansworth